CLE signaling pathways in Arabidopsis thaliana
As a PhD student in Jennifer Fletcher’s lab at Berkeley, I studied the genetics of small signaling peptides known as CLEs, how they affect stem cell activity, and development of plant organs.
These images are a part of a collection that displays the intricate, yet conserved pathways that plant cells use these signaling molecules to convey information across distance, to coordinate their identities and functions.
Whole Arabidopsis seedling, showing conservation of CLE signaling pathways in patterning diverse organs (published in Dao & Fletcher, 2017).
CLV-WUS signaling in the shoot apical meristem
Peptide domains of CLV signaling components
Various receptors of CLV3 in the shoot meristem
CLE signaling in the vascular bundle balances cell proliferation in the procambium with cell differentiation in the xylem.